
A Mummified Child’s Remains Show Signs of a Modern Scourge

Cancer Deaths Continue a Steep Decline

A Fragile Biblical Text Gets a Virtual Read

A Space Station Is Expected to Fall Out of the Sky. You’ll Probably Be Fine.

The Strange Origin of a Manakin’s Golden Crown

In the Bones of a Buried Child, Signs of a Massive Human Migration to the Americas

2018’s Meteor Showers That Will Light Up Night Skies

To Sate China’s Appetite, African Donkeys Are Stolen and Skinned

Ukraine’s Lofty Ambitions, Fallen to Earth

Calestous Juma, 64, Dies; Sought Innovation in African Agriculture

Fiber Is Good for You. Now Scientists May Know Why.

Sync your calendar with the solar system

Rocket Launches and Trips to the Moon We’re Looking Forward to in 2018