
SpaceX and NASA to Test Launch Crew Dragon, a New Ride to Orbit

A Colloquy of Mice

These Mice Sing to One Another — Politely

The Thrill of the Chase

The bizarre and brilliant rules for naming new stuff in space

Humpback Whale Washes Ashore in Amazon River, Baffling Scientists in Brazil

Split-Sex Animals Are Unusual, Yes, but Not as Rare as You’d Think

Have Dark Forces Been Messing With the Cosmos?

NASA Renames Facility After Katherine Johnson, Trailblazing Mathematician

Scientists shot a bullet into an asteroid to learn about the origins of the solar system

New Ultima Thule Photos Were Made in a Blur

Virgin Galactic Sends a Rocket Plane Into Space for a Second Time

SpaceX to Launch SpaceIL’s Lunar Lander Aboard Used Rocket

Follow Hayabusa2’s Landing on the Ryugu Asteroid

DNA Gets a New — and Bigger — Genetic Alphabet

How Israel’s Moon Lander Got to the Launchpad

Tiny Tyrannosaur Hints at How T. Rex Became King

The World’s Largest Bee Is Not Extinct

Scientists discover the origin of Stonehenge stones – quarries 180 miles away

Sunlight makes this waterfall look like lava — and the photos are mesmerizing

Why Do Zebras Have Stripes? Scientists Camouflaged Horses to Find Out

Sleepless Flies Lived Long Lives. Why Not Us?

Tiny new moon discovered around Neptune

Neptune Has Another Moon. What Else Is That World Hiding?

Climate change officially claims its first mammal: The Bramble Cay melomys is declared extinct

They were hiking in the wilderness with no cell service. Then they fell into quicksand.

How the Spittlebug Builds Its Bubbly Fortress

Inside the Spittlebug’s Bubble Home

Saving the Bats, One Cave at a Time

In his first speech, White House science adviser stresses the importance of the private sector

Where’s the Nobel Prize for the Bureaucrats?

NASA twin astronauts study finds no flashing red lights for long spaceflight

Photos From the Opportunity Rover’s Mission on Mars

An Icy Superhighway Once Carried Glaciers From Namibia to Brazil



The Perfect Valentine? A Math Formula.

Can Big Science Be Too Big?

Opportunity, NASA’s record-setting Mars rover, is declared dead after 15 years

NASA’s Opportunity Rover Dies on Mars

Mars Opportunity Rover Mission’s End Expected to Be Announced by NASA

What’s Pink and Pinstriped and Digests Wood? This New Shipworm

Birds of a Feather May Stick Together, but This Bird’s Foot Got Stuck in Amber

Hong Kong, Crossroads of the Criminal Wildlife Trade

Everywhere in the Animal Kingdom, Followers of the Milky Way

Think You’ve Gained Weight This Winter? Check Out These Squirrels

Ancient European Stone Monuments Said to Originate in Northwest France

A Rare Bird Indeed: Half Male, Half Female

A Young Island on Earth May Reveal Clues to How Water Shaped Mars

Andromeda Is Coming for Our Milky Way Galaxy, Eventually