Up Is Down in This Fun Physics Experiment September 03, 2020 Chemistry IFTTT NYT NYTimes +5 Oil (Petroleum) and Gasoline Physics Research Science Space Technology Water Chemistry IFTTT NYT NYTimes Oil (Petroleum) and Gasoline Physics Research Science Space Technology Water
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Listen to the Sounds of Narwhals That Have Been Elusive to Science June 13, 2018 Conservation of Resources Cruises IFTTT +1 NYT Oil (Petroleum) and Gasoline Whales and Whaling Conservation of Resources Cruises IFTTT NYT Oil (Petroleum) and Gasoline Whales and Whaling
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How a 672,000-Gallon Oil Spill Was Nearly Invisible October 29, 2017 Environment IFTTT NYT +1 Oil (Petroleum) and Gasoline Oil Spills Pipelines Environment IFTTT NYT Oil (Petroleum) and Gasoline Oil Spills Pipelines