
This Shark Lives 400 Years. Its DNA May Explain Why.

Leonard Hayflick, Who Discovered Why No One Lives Forever, Dies at 98

The Dogs That Live Longest, by a Nose

Genes That Boost Fertility Also Shorten Our Life, Study Suggests

At 90, William Shatner becomes the oldest person to reach ‘the final frontier.’

The Pandemic Happiness Gap

Baby Megalodons Were 6-Foot-Long Womb Cannibals, Study Suggests

Baby Megalodons Were 6-Foot-Long Womb Cannibals, Study Suggests

The Genes That Make Parrots Into the Humans of the Bird World

Welcome to the World, Little Fish. In 14 Days You’ll Start Making Babies.

How Long Can We Live? The Limit Hasn’t Been Reached, Study Finds

Being Antisocial Leads to a Longer Life. For Marmots.

Scientists Discover a Key to a Longer Life in Male DNA