
Think You Understand Your Dog? Think Again.

On a Mission to Heal Gila Monsters

Last N.I.H. Chimps to Move From New Mexico Facility

Sperm Can’t Unlock an Egg Without This Ancient Molecular Key

When Two Sea Aliens Become One

How SpaceX Is Harming Delicate Ecosystems

The Last Stand of the Woolly Mammoths

When Sick Pets Need Blood, Animal ‘Superheroes’ Come to the Rescue

What Makes Tiny ‘Water Bears’ So Tough? They Quickly Fix Broken DNA.

It’s the Cat’s Meow but You Just Don’t Understand

An Ancient Woolly Mammoth Left a Diary in Her Tusk

Salamander Dads Are Turning Into Cannibals, Threatening Species Survival

Is There an Ethical Way to Kill Rats? Should We Even Ask?

What Do We Owe Lab Animals?

Snarl, You’re on Candid Camera

Meet the Mice Who Make the Forest

Why Fly or Swim When You Can Jump? Ask the Springtail.

Dammed Rivers Spell Peril, and Inbreeding, for Platypuses

Shy Raccoons Are Better Learners Than Bold Ones, Study Finds

Some Monkeys Use Stone Tools for Pleasure, Study Suggests