
Orchids Bloom in Thousands of Forms. But Why?

This Dracula Ant’s Jaws Could Make It the Fastest Animal on Earth

A Metropolis of 200 Million Termite Mounds Was Hidden in Plain Sight

Sperm Production Plummeted in Some Insects After Heat Waves

Viruses Spread by Insects to Crops Sound Scary. The Military Calls It Food Security.

Before These Parasitic Wasps Finished Devouring Live Flies, They Became Fossils

Lanternflies Eat Everything in Sight. The U.S. Is Looking Delicious.

Birds Beware: The Praying Mantis Wants Your Brain

Why Do Bees Buzz?

Ladybugs Pack Wings and Engineering Secrets in Tidy Origami Packages

Watching Their Dust: Photographing Players in Pollination