
An Odd Rock in a Box Gets Linked to a Shooting Star That Fell 54 Years Ago

Do We Need Language to Think?

Get Ready for the Longest Day of the Year in the Northern Hemisphere

A Tale of Two Nearly Extinct Giant Salamanders

Why a 3-Legged Lion and His Brother Swam Across a Crocodile-Filled River

Mars Got Cooked During a Recent Solar Storm

Was This Sea Creature Our Ancestor? Scientists Turn a Famous Fossil on its Head.

Foraging on Public Lands Is Becoming More Limited

Personal Conflicts, Even Violence, Are Not Uncommon in Long-Term Care

How Wombats May Save Other Animals From Wildfires

The Starliner astronauts thought they would have been back from space already.

Here’s what to know about the latest try to launch Starliner.

Family Discovers Rare T. Rex Fossil in North Dakota

A New Search for Ripples in Space From the Beginning of Time

Some of the astronauts’ luggage is not going to make it to the space station.

Here’s what to know about Starliner’s latest launch attempt.